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No. 166: TS2: Dead Body Glitch in Youtube: TimeSplitters Videos
I saw a vid of this same glitch somewhere on Youtube a long time ago, but I can't seem to find it now. So, I've uploaded my own video of it. Pretty funny glitch.
I saw a vid of this same glitch somewhere on Youtube a long time ago, but I can't seem to find it now. So, I've uploaded my own video of it. Pretty funny glitch.
No. 165: Crash Lab: Life after Rareware and Free Radical in TimeSplitters Articles
On November 2011, Crash Lab was founded by three talented games industry veterans named Steve Ellis, Martin Wakeley and Lee Musgrave. Since then, Crash Lab has been hard at work on a number of games across multiple platforms.
On November 2011, Crash Lab was founded by three talented games industry veterans named Steve Ellis, Martin Wakeley and Lee Musgrave. Since then, Crash Lab has been hard at work on a number of games across multiple platforms.
No. 164: Crytek: Free-to-play Timesplitters 4 a possibility in TimeSplitters News
The Timesplitters series could see a resurrection on Crytek's GFACE free-to-play platform, so says company founder Cevat Yerli. Speaking in an interview with Videogamer, Yerli explained that although he personally loved the series and would love to make another entry, publishers just aren't interested in picking up the FPS franchise.
The Timesplitters series could see a resurrection on Crytek's GFACE free-to-play platform, so says company founder Cevat Yerli. Speaking in an interview with Videogamer, Yerli explained that although he personally loved the series and would love to make another entry, publishers just aren't interested in picking up the FPS franchise.
No. 163: 100,000 Strong for Timesplitters 4 in General
We are a group trying to convince Crytek to finish developing TimeSplitters 4! Even if it means doing a Kickstarter. (I'd fund that!).. Note: Even though the page is to gain 100k, we'll probably need much more. So dont give up at 100k!
We are a group trying to convince Crytek to finish developing TimeSplitters 4! Even if it means doing a Kickstarter. (I'd fund that!).. Note: Even though the page is to gain 100k, we'll probably need much more. So dont give up at 100k!
No. 160: 30 in 30: Free Radical / Crytek UK - The former Rare developers who spawned a classic in TimeSplitters Articles
The studio formally known as Free Radical hasn't produced quite as many titles as some of the other developers in our 30 list, but it undoubtedly lays claim to one of the most loved franchises in gaming.
The studio formally known as Free Radical hasn't produced quite as many titles as some of the other developers in our 30 list, but it undoubtedly lays claim to one of the most loved franchises in gaming.
No. 159: Haze in HAZE Reviews
Alkuasetelma on lupaava: pelin päähenkilö on Shane Carpenter, joka on sotilas ylikansallisen Mantel-yhtiön armeijassa. Mantel on jossain Etelä-Amerikan pikkuvaltiossa vastustamassa muodollisesti pahojen ihmisten rikoksia ihmiskuntaa vastaan ja estämässä etnistä puhdistusta. Näin ainakin sanotaan sotilaille, joista jokaiselle tyrkytetään koko ajan nektari-nimistä mömmöä, joka pitää mielen virkeänä ja fyysisen suorituskyvyn hyvin korkeana.
Alkuasetelma on lupaava: pelin päähenkilö on Shane Carpenter, joka on sotilas ylikansallisen Mantel-yhtiön armeijassa. Mantel on jossain Etelä-Amerikan pikkuvaltiossa vastustamassa muodollisesti pahojen ihmisten rikoksia ihmiskuntaa vastaan ja estämässä etnistä puhdistusta. Näin ainakin sanotaan sotilaille, joista jokaiselle tyrkytetään koko ajan nektari-nimistä mömmöä, joka pitää mielen virkeänä ja fyysisen suorituskyvyn hyvin korkeana.
No. 158: Metallibändi Korn markkinoi Hazea in HAZE News
Korn markkinoi PS3:lle tänä jouluna ilmestyvää Haze -räiskintää. Amerikkalaisyhtye on mukana pelin tv- ja radiomainoksissa, ja lisäksi se on levyttänyt kappaleen, johon on otettu vaikutteita pelistä. Kappale soitetaan ensimmäistä kertaa Hazen julkaisuviikonloppuna.
Korn markkinoi PS3:lle tänä jouluna ilmestyvää Haze -räiskintää. Amerikkalaisyhtye on mukana pelin tv- ja radiomainoksissa, ja lisäksi se on levyttänyt kappaleen, johon on otettu vaikutteita pelistä. Kappale soitetaan ensimmäistä kertaa Hazen julkaisuviikonloppuna.