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Week Three
Geschrieben am 2007-09-07

Hello. It's that monkey again. I swear, I totally am one.

Anyhoo, this week I have had the good fortune to spend some quality time alone in a room with the latest Haze build. Now, of course, I'm 100% biased, and even if there was anything wrong with it, I would lie to you about how good it was until I was blue in the face. However, thanks to the wealth of talent on the Free Radical team, I don't have to do that. In fact, I can wax lyrical about a whole bunch of amazing effects and whatnot.

Now, I'll come clean with you, I'm not a very technical monkey (I really am a monkey. I swear it). So, I can't explain WHY things look great. However, I am, like you folks, a consumer. Personally, I think that makes me uniquely qualified to pass judgment on our games.

Here's the bottom line: I genuinely think Haze has some of the best-looking smoke and explosion effects I've ever seen in a game. In the opening mission, you've got a bunch of Mantel drop ships giving you air support, and watching them pummel The Promise Hand with rockets is quite a sight to behold - sending thick plumes of dark grey smoke and dirt up into the air. What's more, later in the same level, one of your peers - Sergeant Duvall - calls in an air strike about a half-mile in front of you. Watching the fallout dust billowing through the tree line ahead of you sends shivers down my spine.

Believe me, standing downwind from one of those babies, with full surround sound is enough to make you soil yourself. Now, if you'll excuse me.