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Crash Lab: Life after Rareware and Free Radical
No: 165 | Last site update: 2012-10-01 | Link added on: 2012-10-02

On November 2011, Crash Lab was founded by three talented games industry veterans named Steve Ellis, Martin Wakeley and Lee Musgrave. Since then, Crash Lab has been hard at work on a number of games across multiple platforms.

30 in 30: Free Radical / Crytek UK - The former Rare developers who spawned a classic
No: 160 | Last site update: 2011-11-09 | Link added on: 2011-11-12

The studio formally known as Free Radical hasn't produced quite as many titles as some of the other developers in our 30 list, but it undoubtedly lays claim to one of the most loved franchises in gaming.

The Crysis talks
No: 144 | Last site update: 2011-04-14 08:00:00 | Link added on: 2011-04-15

Develop heads to Nottingham to go behind the scenes at Crytek UK In 2009, Free Radical Design was in a difficult situation. Following the significant critical mauling and sales disappointment of Haze, the company was in an untenable financial position. The demands of the modern industry, along with a confused perception of what makes a game successful, looked close to forcing the studio out of business.

PelaajaClassics: TimeSplitters 2
No: 66 | Last site update: 2010-12-23 | Link added on: 2011-03-01

Alkuperäiseltä TimeSplittersilta odotettiin paljon. Kun kyseessä oli Nintendo 64:n klassisten GoldenEye 007- ja Perfect Dark -pelien luojista koostuvan Free Radical Designin ihka ensimmäinen PlayStation 2 -peli, ennusmerkit näyttivät lupaavilta.

Bring On The HD Remakes!
No: 56 | Last site update: 2011-02-20 | Link added on: 2011-02-28

A few of the games we'd love to see given new life in high definition.